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by (970 points)
I really owe a lot to Miko and the Tbm family ❤️. It has been a little over a year since I found this group and let me just say my mind set is so different. I’m so much more cautious about spending money, having too much stuff, savings, and paying my bills. My only debt left is my car loan and student loans. I have an emergency fund fully funded and a nice size buffer. I’ve chosen not to do sinking funds, but do have 2 saving challenges that I save for and have decided this will go towards Christmas. I’ve cut a lot of luxuries and subscriptions, have sold things around the house. Cash envelopes didn’t really work for me but still tracked expenses and such. This month I haven’t tracked expenses like I normally have. I feel like I have gotten so comfortable with the way things are. That “I don’t need to” and I’m really ok with that Anybody else feel like this?  
I really owe a lot to Miko and the Tbm family ❤️.

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