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by (120 points)
Hi everyone I am new to the group and two years ago my husband and I filed for bankruptcy and felt Good like we were getting a fresh start, but in order to rebuild our credit we had to get credit cards and so for me I have one that I’m paying off that is 2500 but my husband is not great with saving or anything and his is up to 5900. I have been doing the cash envelopes but not sure if I am doing them right and I have a hard time doing the budget and learning about the sinking funds. We make really high incomes but feel like we live paycheck to paycheck. Can someone offer advice on where to start. I want to build a nice savings account this year and we want to buy a house. Are there any videos I could watch to get started? I took the 2020 savings course that TBM has but I don’t understand how I am supposed to take money from my cash envelopes to save?  
Hi everyone I am new to the group and two years ago my husband and I filed for bankruptcy and felt G

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