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by (880 points)
I am officially on a no spend until I get my EF, Christmas, and sinking funds where I want them. Goals- $1000 EF. Christmas-$600. sinking- $500. This is on TOP Of saving for our vacations and paying our bills monthly. We are far from rich. I'm so excited and hope this goes the way I want it. BUT I have questions. I see SO many posts on here talking about pay bills, car, food and THATS it. They put everything else into savings? I don't understand? I'm at adventurous person. We have to do stuff occasionally. Summertime is busy between kayaking, camping, etc. How do you do all this and not have any Fun? Not even trying to be mean. Just trying to understand.  
I am officially on a no spend until I get my EF, Christmas, and sinking funds where I want them.

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