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by (1.8k points)
Hi everyone-- I'm a bit confused on the following: I get paid weekly and so I budget every week. I pay my bills and take out cash for my cash envelopes and I also keep some money in my checking account for unexpected purchases. I track all of my spending separately (1 sheet for cash and 1 for my checking account spending). Some of the categories that I have used my debit card are in Food, Misc and Household items as I didn't have enough in my envelopes. My question is: Do I combine both the amount i have spent on each category for both cash and checking account and lump them into my cash envelopes section OR do I completely separate them on my budget sheet. For instance, if on my Food category, I spent $15 using my debit card and I spent my $10 from my envelopes do i write it down as $25 ACTUAL on my Envelopes section? What i did last week was that i lumped all additional spending on my debit card and labeled it as "Spending" under my Bills section. I hope this makes sense. And thanks so much for your help in advance! :)
Hi everyone-- I'm a bit confused on the following: I get paid weekly and so I budget every week.

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