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by (4.4k points)
Parents with young kids: I have 4 kids now ages 7, 5 next month, 2 and 6 weeks old. Instead of having just 1 cash envelope that says "kids" on it I'm thinking of having each kid with their own envelope so that I can save a certain amount for each. So like for example I usually set aside $37-40 every paycheck for the kids but it seems like I'm always having to take money out for either lunch money or pictures or whatever the case may be. And there wont be any left for the other kids. With summer coming up and more activities I figured each having their own would be easier for their own expenses. I'm also thinking about having an envelope for office supplies like printer ink etc. In general I'm probably going to rethink my envelopes. Has anyone done this with the kids envelopes before? Each kid having their own?  
Parents with young kids: I have 4 kids now ages 7, 5 next month, 2 and 6 weeks old.

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