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by (120 points)
We have about 18g in debt we need to pay off. But, I lose motivation bc I want to take 3 wkend trips and 1 beach trip between March-Oct. I know I shouldn't even be thinking about going anywhere that is not needed but I looooooovvvvvveeeeeeee to travel, and make memories w/my little family. Kids grow too quick. And I have a husband who doesn't like to hear "no honey you cant buy such n such for that project". Needless to say I'm the one who has to be the one who keeps everyone in check aka the bad guy. Please y'all help. What kept you all motivated? How did you stay on the wagon? Be kind or don't I don't care I need tough love right now. This is ridiculous. Our estimated monthly bring home is around 5300. Our bills/groceries/meds/pets est around 3700. Plus I save $100 ea wk $25 to ea kid, $25 to xmas and $25 to joint savings to use for vacays/projects/ect. Keep in mind we also have enough in savings to cover 3months of bills if (God forbid) something happen. Also I'm a teacher so during the summer I dont have an income.  
We have about 18g in debt we need to pay off.

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