+5 votes
by (200 points)
Hello there TBM friends!  Question: am I supposed to count my checking account cushion in my starting balance when I'm working a new BBP sheet?Hello there TBM friends! Question: am I supposed to count my checking account cushion in my starting balance when I'm working a new BBP sheet? Also, do you count savings dollars in starting balance? I feel like savings dollars should be ignored like they're not even there for anything other than intended use. I'm trying  thanks got any advice/help in advance
Hello there TBM friends!  Question: am I supposed to count my checking account cushion in my startin

5 Answers

+8 votes
by (2.5k points)
Best answer
I include every penny I have in my account as my starting balance. I also count my money I’m putting into savings in that total. For example if I said I had $1000 dollars to start but then I was saving $200 I’d write a line and put it under savings category. However I do not include money I have saved in previous months in my checking tracker. If that makes sense!  
+4 votes
by (610 points)
Following as I just started a cushion XD
+6 votes
by (2.9k points)
I am not, I just started in April and out of sight out of mind is best for us
+6 votes
by (700 points)
For the expense tracker, you put your cushion in the starting balance portion. Don’t count it on your bill sheet. Only put it as income on the bill sheet if you use it for anything
+7 votes
by (340 points)
I include anything in my checking account on a new bill pay worksheet. So if I’m leaving $100 in the account (sometimes I’ll empty it to 0 and start fresh but not often) then I include that $100 with the paycheck in the income box at the top. I only refer to my checking account though. and pretend anything in savings doesn’t exist. Hope this helps!  
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