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by (1.1k points)
, ok guys I need some help. I just got all my loan consolidation information on my student loans. I know there is a general forbearance atm. We are snug in our budget. Which one would you put any extra payments on first?  Loan 1 (unsub) Bal. $39. 827. 75 min. pymt. $89. 94  I am only responsible for 50% of the interest accrued on this one. Interest rate 6. 75%. Right now the interest would be abt. $224 making my portion $112. Feeling a little defeated with this one. Loan 2 (sub) Bal $25. 854. 94 min. pymt. $58. 39  I am not charged interest on this for the next 3 years. After that the 6. 75% applies and I will only be responsible for 50% of the interest accrued.  
,ok guys I need some help.

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