+5 votes
by (200 points)
Hello everyone!  My partner got grease up our stairs :( iv tried elbow grease and worked to get some of it off but there still a mark.Hello everyone! My partner got grease up our stairs :( iv tried elbow grease and worked to get some of it off but there still a mark. Any tips?  
Hello everyone!  My partner got grease up our stairs :( iv tried elbow grease and worked to get some

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (580 points)
Fairy liquid x
by (200 points)
@constrictor tried that :( no luck
+4 votes
by (9k points)
Try some talcum powder and dab it with kitchen roll, then hoover up and clean with some green fairy liquid xx
+4 votes
by (3.6k points)
Eucalyptus oil takes grease out
by (19.7k points)
But won't oil still go into the carpet ?  
0 votes
by (19.7k points)
Soap powder mixed into a paste with hot water , leave it on for 5 mins then wash off x
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