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by (150 points)
Hello Guys, We NEED YOUR PROFESSIONAL FEEDBACK!  My team and I have been working on a store in the home decor niche. We have generated a good amount of sales in our first week of Dropshipping in February. However, our shipping collapsed and we had to reimburse many clients. My Team and I are looking to restart our Store! However, we are wondering if: 1) We should just restart selling via our original suppliers and hope that shipping will not be over 40 days? 2) Find a professional sourcing Agent and hope they can improve our shipping times and costs? 3) Try CJ Dropshipping or Eprolo? (We heard they don't hold a lot of inventory on them) The problem is, we have about 400 variants on our store! Would it be a good option for us? 4) We found a Manufacturer/trading company on Alibaba that might be able to create products that we need. We don't have any volume at the moment but they accept dropshipping. + They will be able to create custom packaging in the future. ⚡️What do you guys think we should do? ⚡️

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