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by (130 points)
Hey folks!  I'm going to be running a campaign soon for a client in Scotland, selling handbooks that set out a framework for learning to speak the Scottish Gaelic language.Hey folks! I'm going to be running a campaign soon for a client in Scotland, selling handbooks that set out a framework for learning to speak the Scottish Gaelic language. They're trying to target young-ish people who might be interested in the language, so they can bring up their children to be bilingual if they want to. It seems that I can target people who are interested in Scotland, the Scottish Highlands and Celtic Languages, but I can't target people who are interested in Scottish Gaelic specifically. If it was the Irish language then that would be an option for detailed targeted, but the Scottish Gaelic language is not. Any tips on how to target people who are interested in this language when it isn't a detailed targeting option? Thanks in advance :)
Hey folks!  I'm going to be running a campaign soon for a client in Scotland, selling handbooks that

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