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by (120 points)
Here ya go something nice and juicy for you. I’d thought it would be nice to share info. because. I get it. it’s not easy when starting an e-commerce store and finding the winning product->testing ads-> than retargeting Than spending way too much money. Not the dream. Listen to what I say  Launch some low budget engagement posts right now for the ads you're going to run. Why? - You don't have to worry about getting stuck in 'review'. - You won't have to worry about the ads you launch getting random disapprovals. - AND you'll already have a good amount of social proof which will put you 'ahead' of the curve from everyone else. ALSO, Go ahead and schedule your BF ads NOW in advance, and set up some rules that will: - turn them off if they aren't profitable - auto scale them up if they are - and turn them all back on the next day to retest ^^^ This way if ads manager goes down for some reason (been happening a lot recently) you can sleep easy and know that the rules have your back lol. So yah Deuces -Ecum
 Here ya go something nice and juicy for you.

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