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by (120 points)
Need some help with attributing conversions, any insight is appreciated. We set up the following two attribution reports for a client: Facebook Ads: Time Decay 7-day, 28 day click and visit, no impressions. Google Analytics: Similar set up under Attribution (beta reports). Assisted conversion for both. The issue we’re dealing with is that the data is VASTLY different in Google Analytics and Facebook Ads. When we look at the conversion data in Facebook Ads, it’s showing more conversions for Facebook and less for Google Ads. When we’re looking at the data within Google Analytics, it’s showing more conversions from Google Ads and less for Facebook. It’s causing an issue where we don’t know whether to scale our Facebook or Google Ads campaigns. Any insight into what might solve the problem? Is there a 3rd party attribution tool we can set up that might show more accurate data? Thanks!  
Need some help with attributing conversions, any insight is appreciated.

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