+14 votes
by (4k points)
Hello lovely garden people in my phone. I need help. What is the called please? Also recommendations on Hardy plants that grow large but can stay in a pot and are pet safe preferable with bright coloured leaves instead of flowers. Thanks xx
Hello lovely garden people in my phone.

13 Answers

+8 votes
by (370 points)
Think cordeline
+11 votes
by (420 points)
I think its cordeline I have mine in a pot now for 3 years
+13 votes
by (400 points)
Red cordyline
0 votes
by (1.3k points)
Cordyline. I think that particular one is a pink passion
+13 votes
by (1k points)
Pink cordyline mine is kept in a large pot.  
+14 votes
by (420 points)
Cordeline x
+13 votes
by (4k points)
And are they easy to keep?  
+2 votes
by (270 points)
You need to protect it from frost, but other than that they look after themselves.  
by (4k points)
@matron sorry this sounds silly but how would I do that? I've no idea about gardening. Also can they live in a large poy?  
by (270 points)
@layer11929 I wrapped mine up in some bubble wrap and some sellotape. Just need to stop the rain getting down into it and then freezing. Hope this helps.  
by (4k points)
@matron amazing thank you x
by (270 points)
@layer11929 mine's in a pot. It seems quite happy.  
by (4k points)
@matron perfect size too. I need to fill a corner. Unfortunately the other side of the fence is a telegraph pole and the birds sit on it anf poo all over that corner
+3 votes
by (1.3k points)
Its a pink passion cordyline
0 votes
by (690 points)
I have one in my front garden its years old
0 votes
by (220 points)
Depending on how frost prone you are they can be out all year unless very cold. Some years ago a bad winter seemed to have killed a lot which went black but they regrew from the base if you left them in the pot and cut off the tops so do not panic if they seem to have gotten a hit from the cold. Mine stay out in the snow as long as fairly sheltered
+1 vote
by (220 points)
The picture you've put up is called a pink passion cordyline
+8 votes
by (1.9k points)
Pink passion cordyline.  
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