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by (120 points)
Hi all I’m embarrassed to show my garden but I need some help with safety and prettying it up! Especially the steps. It’s a concrete disaster steps everywhere. I’ve only moved in a few months ago and the garden was never a problem mainly because I didn’t use it as we have a park right outside for my son but it’s now locked up because of the coronavirus situation so I need to sort this garden as much as I can so both he and the rest of the family can enjoy it. As you can see I have a large piece of AstroTurf from my last house that is just too big for this garden  it’s actually draped over more steps do you think some could be trimmed and stuck to the steps? Please be kind I’m aware it’s a gross disaster lol Thanks edited to add pics are in the post I forgot to add them
Hi all I’m embarrassed to show my garden but I need some help with safety and prettying it up!

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