+4 votes
by (160 points)
Bought some pansies and lobelia today. How should I plant them, individually or in two large planters? The label doesn't say how far apart they need to be.  
Bought some pansies and lobelia today.

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (3k points)
Plant together, the contrast will be pretty, about 15cm apart - my staple for pots and hanging baskets  
0 votes
by (2.6k points)
Depending on the size of the pots you have you could put 2 or 3 in a pot together, maybe pansies at the back n lobelia in front? They grow a lot so allow enough room  
0 votes
by (4k points)
Pansies say 5 to a pot & one in the centre with Lobelia inbetween. Be careful ther are no frosts forecast with the Lobelia though x
+1 vote
by (5.9k points)
Lobelia need to be on the edge as they trail all others any where in pot the more you put in more fullness you will get
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