+10 votes
by (1k points)
Hi Guys, Need suggestion.!  I am running a campaign currently in US but now I have to run it over 20 countries.Hi Guys, Need suggestion.! I am running a campaign currently in US but now I have to run it over 20 countries. So what is the best strategy in this case? 1> Should I create a new ad group under the same campaign? 2> Create new campaigns for each country with new ad group? (Means 20+ Campaigns)
Hi Guys, Need suggestion.!  I am running a campaign currently in US but now I have to run it over 20

9 Answers

+6 votes
by (320 points)
I would create campaigns for each country, not only to allocate budget accordingly but also for optimization purposes.  
by (1k points)
Thank You :) Much appreciated
+7 votes
by (1.6k points)
Best is to use one campaign per country. For example, day parting can only be set on the campaign level
by (1k points)
Thank You. Helps alot
+2 votes
by (1.2k points)
I would go separate it per country, so you have more rooms for testing per campaign. :)
by (1k points)
Sure it will. Thank you:)
+8 votes
by (6.6k points)
New campaign for each country for me
+3 votes
by (3.2k points)
What differences do you see across countries? Different delivery time or cost? Different languages? Etc. If it's the same, keep it within one campaign, as there is no difference. If there are differences, divide it.  
+8 votes
by (780 points)
Definitely split into campaigns for lots of reasons Budget pacing and monitoring Label each campaign and build label reports by country Easier for search query Ad schedules for each country Less chance of keyword conflicts Many more too
+5 votes
by (1.6k points)
I would also suggest to use the Ad customizers for Location in case you want one campaign but you want your ads to be more specific
+2 votes
by (7k points)
Separated campaigns for each country.  
+4 votes
by (650 points)
Las campañas las vas a tener que dividir por pais si van a ser idiomas distintos. Tambien evaluar si van a compartir presupuesto y regiones geograficas. Yo creo que salvo que hagas algo a nivel Latinoamerica conviene por paises, depende cual sea la estrategia.  
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