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by (1.6k points)
I’m sick with mild fever worried I have the virus. I’m in Keto. So I’m getting out of it now by eating a chicken wrap so I can take loads of meds and cough drops, stuff with sugar and alcohol. I want my body to fight and feed it what’s it needs. I went to several stores and got food that’s all on protocol or slightly close to protocol but the more I think about it the more I want to get out of keto right now. Any feedback for me? And yes, I’m very very sick my head hurts and I have a fever right now PLUS I live alone and I’m going into a self quarantine. I have to add a modification. Let me be very clear, I had to stock up on foods in case I have to stay in my house for 1 to 2 weeks. There is not a drop of dairy or sugar or nuts or absolutely anything off of protocol sheet that I bought. Except for this rap that I grabbed on the way out of the store because I was thinking maybe I should get out of keto. I actually bought a couple of boxes of real oats with no sugar. I don’t even know how I can stay out of keto with the food I have at my house actually. I’m taking 3 airborne throughout the day. 200 mg Advil every 4 hrs Mucinex all day and night 120 oz water
I’m sick with mild fever worried I have the virus.

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