+35 votes
by (580 points)
Been in maintenance for 2 years and the key to keeping off the weight is food prep! If you make your food decisions easy you won't have to regret the bad ones you may make. Do I cheat? I do but very very seldom. But when I do the food tastes so much better than I remember. No excuses, no regrets. that's the promise I made to myself November 2, 2017. If I can help anyone please let me know. Not a Dr., not a nurse, not an IP coach, just a success story.  
Been in maintenance for 2 years and the key to keeping off the weight is food prep!

36 Answers

+13 votes
by (530 points)
I did the program two years ago and lost 40lbs. I have unfortunately put it all back on, I’m just waiting for my food to arrive and then I will be starting again! I WILL not make the same mistake again! Do you prep both of your lunches and dinners?  
by (580 points)
@lappet2584 yes, L and D every week. Then it's dummy proof. You have to like leftovers and put in your head not to get bored with the same thing for a week.  
by (530 points)
@slouch yes I agree, I have always prepped my lunches but not dinners, with my husband eating the same thing we always have to plan each dinner for the week, but I think it would be helpful to have at least some dinners prepped in case of emergency!  
by (580 points)
@lappet2584 we eat veggies and chicken of some sort Sunday through Thursday and we like to eat out Friday and Saturday. it kills my husband when I order chicken when we go out, lol
+4 votes
by (440 points)
Can u plz give details of maintenance (breakfast lunch snack dinner), do u use dairy, grains now and any exercise. Many thanks
by (580 points)
@dysphagia Breakfast: ideal protein with caramel apples but mostly either a ONE or QUEST protein bar Lunch:some sort of veggies and protein, I eat a lot of chicken and ground toy Dinner:same as lunch I have added nuts, raisins, popcorn and LILY choc bars to my diet since phasing off I go to Orange Theory Fitness and since Covid19, I have been doing my own inside/outside workouts and jogging
by (440 points)
@slouch thank u. I am going to start phasing into maintenance. do u need an IP or u have found success without one as well. I would like to be away from IP after I step off. Any thoughts. Thanks fr info
by (580 points)
@dysphagia I found other IP like foods such as ONE and QUEST bars for breakfast. You MUST read all labels.  
by (440 points)
@slouch thank u!  
by (580 points)
@dysphagia of course
+12 votes
by (1.4k points)
Can I please send you a friend request. I know I need maintenance help and someone who is willing to share her success. I lost 76 lbs 4 years ago. Dropped the ball in maintenance and I’m on a complete restart.  
by (580 points)
@faretheewell3788 of course
+3 votes
by (1.4k points)
We live on a small lake in upstate NY fishing keeps us sane.  
+11 votes
by (5.3k points)
Congrats to you. I just started maintenance. And youve done great. I’m scared to add foods into my diet. But I’m slowly adding
+3 votes
by (5.3k points)
Do you still measure out your portions?  
by (580 points)
@sheepdip not my veggies but USUALLY my protein. I find I eat the same thing over and over but I know that that works for me so I make myself not get bored of it
+3 votes
by (1.4k points)
Way to go! You’re an inspiration! I’m only in phase 1 with 40 lbs to lose
by (580 points)
@mosul you can do it, that's about how much I lost.  
+12 votes
by (5k points)
Thank you for sharing! I am 6 pounds to goal and with having been on the program for over a year I know that I will be able to maintain the loss. Knowing others are also doing it helps to keep me motivated. I have learned so much about food and nutrition being on this program. It is definitely a lifestyle change. ☺️
+5 votes
by (1.4k points)
I’m all for simple measuring, no problems weighing my veggies and protein and I love prepping. My biggest stumbling block in maintenance was understanding and applying the macros I am dairy sensitive and did not like or want to start counting macros. I know I have to pay attention and be aware in order for success in maintenance but I despised keep track of macros
by (580 points)
@faretheewell3788 I don't keep track of macros. Veggies and protein and the fats of eat on workout days are avocado and nuts
by (1.4k points)
Hanna, I just knew I would like you  
by (1.4k points)
Hanna, ohhhhhhh you’ve got all of us beat  great catch  
0 votes
by (1.3k points)
What are some of your favorite maintenance meals?  
by (580 points)
@marquise67311 I eat a lot of chicken! We have a smoker so a ton of wings. I also make the zucchini lasagna from the IP cook book Gyro meat on a salad. Fajita salad at Mexican rest and I'll cheat with chips but my salad dressing is salsa. I try and stay away from oil more that I'm in maintenance.  
+6 votes
by (2k points)
Thanks for posting. I've been looking for someone successful in maintenance. ‼️
+3 votes
by (470 points)
Thank you for posting this. I lost all my weight and then gained it all back plus 20. I just started again last week and this time it needs to be a permanent change.  
by (580 points)
@sheepdip Capuano Rattenni lifetime goal, Lisa, lifetime! Good luck you can do it
by (470 points)
@slouch thank you
+3 votes
by (2.8k points)
Do you eat fruit?  
by (580 points)
@et0 no, no dairy and no complex carbs When I do cheat the food tastes so good but I don't feel to well for about a day
+10 votes
by (3.2k points)
This is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing your experience  
+24 votes
by (1.6k points)
So you basically follow stage 1 with a little bit of avocados and nuts on days when you exercise? I had met my goal and the started adding dairy back in. Now I am up 10 pounds. Keeping it off is the hardest part for me.  
by (580 points)
@preterhuman Richardson my body doesn't like dairy and carbs. Take the dairy back out and see if you lose. It's scary to gain but scale back don't give up or in!  
by (1.6k points)
@slouch thanks. I worked so hard and now I feel like I will do what I have always done. gain it back. So you don’t eat the products anymore? Or you have a few a day?  
by (580 points)
@preterhuman Richardson I don't eat them. If I go out for a nice dinner I may cheat but that doesn't mean ordering pasta or pizza, just a taste to get the flavor. It's an entire lifetime change, forever. I don't have a great body by any means but feel great on a daily basis, that's most important.  
+22 votes
by (1.8k points)
Thank you so much for posting! Sounds like you have done great! I could use your experiences with food to help me! Would you mind if I would friend request you?  
by (580 points)
@disfavor412, please do!  
+21 votes
by (1.2k points)
Do you eat any carbs?  
by (580 points)
@disfavor412 Jo Abbinanti Liccar try not to. Treats are nuts, plantain chips (no sugar), popcorn, raisins. Everything had carbs, I don't eat complex carbs
+10 votes
by (1.2k points)
Yogurt, cheese?  
by (580 points)
@disfavor412 Jo Abbinanti Liccar NEVER
+1 vote
by (3.5k points)
Thank you for sharing. And what a lovely, gracious offer.  
+13 votes
by (510 points)
That my problem I always fail to do meal prep but I was still able to maintain but I need to be diligent with my food prep :)
by (580 points)
@curl25498 DILIGENT! FOREVER!  
by (510 points)
@slouch hahaha I know! I’m diligent with walking and bike riding but not meal prep. I should focus on it as well  
by (580 points)
@curl25498 if you are ok with leftovers and the same thing all the time take a few hours on Sunday and just cook. You will simplify your life, I promise.  
+8 votes
by (940 points)
Can you share your recipe for the dish pictured on the left?  
by (580 points)
@unite89 basically green onions, chicken (4 oz potions), asparagus, red peppers, cauliflower rice and the IP cookbooks teriyaki sauce. Saute everything but cauliflower rice in a little olive oil, when cooked add cauliflower rice and sauce and simmer till done. Really simple
by (940 points)
@slouch , thanks!  
by (580 points)
@unite89 try the zucchini lasagna it's awesome. I make a 9 x 12 Pyrex pan full and get 8 meals. I cook, up 3 lbs of ground turkey and use 2 lbs the other pound I use for other things. I make 2 soft boiled eggs over some grnd tky add some grape tomatoes and a spoonful if guacamole. May sound strange but tastes great
+7 votes
by (11.3k points)
Thank u for ur post. I was a success story then I failed MYSELF! I just restarted 4 days ago. I began 8/2018. By 9/2019 I lost 118lbs. Was not ready to stop but due to surgeries I was told I had to do a rather faster phase off then usual. Through the next couple months I did great. scale bounced within 5 lbs. Christmas time came & I started not watching. Since that time I gained 40 so lbs. I am beyond disappointed in myself. I learned just how easy it is to fall back into bad habits. There is nothing, absolutely no food that taste as good as I had felt before this extra weight! Lesson learned for me. And prepping is a huge key to success  
by (580 points)
@huambo you've got this. it's all a head game
+17 votes
by (1.1k points)
I am in my second week of maintenance and as I have gone through stabilization I have used the same self control as Phase 1. I am up from my goal about 4 pounds and I think I am realizing that maintenance still means self control. I think my mind has been fighting that. Thank you for your message. I have wondered if I will ever get to have any of the special things that I used to enjoy. The way you plan and stay on safe and healthy eating and then right back to it if you do have something maybe we shouldn’t makes sense for the long haul. I lost 100. 6 pounds to get to goal. I am finally healthy and fear regaining weight. Your message gives me hope that I can do this. I also realized that a new normal is in front of me. I do not want to go back.  
by (580 points)
@machado you will basically be doing phase 1 forever and when I cheat I don't have a cheat DAY, I eat a piece of cake or get a mini dairy queen (did this once in 2. 5 years), bread and butter at a restaurant but then I go right back to protein and veggies. And always be drinking water. Hot tea seems to help with appetite suppression. I don't want to eat packaged food and go get weighed in during my lunch hour ever again!  
by (510 points)
@machado as long as you know your “ magic number” once you hit that you need to scale down or back to phase 1 no matter what . By doing that you can always be assured that you will never go back to the old ways and old weight  Goodluck
by (1.1k points)
Thank you so much!  
+28 votes
by (850 points)
What is your portion size for casserole, meat and veggies?  
by (580 points)
@neslund I use 4 oz of chicken and as much veggies as I want. That help?  
by (850 points)
@slouch yes ! what about Italian food if you eat it and soups too?  
by (580 points)
@neslund the zucchini lasagna from, the IP cookbook I eat 4 oz at a time. I don't eat Italian food, no pasta or pizza, I would order fish and veggies and ask for everything grilled. boring but worth it and it's what tastes good at this point
by (850 points)
@slouch Thanks for the help!  
by (580 points)
@neslund no problem, good luck
+19 votes
by (1.3k points)
Just restarted today! I have gained due to diverticulitis and eating carb foods for it, and taking antibiotics. I can’t take it any more! Thanks for the reminder of how well this plan works. You give me hope!  
+22 votes
by (1.2k points)
I had amazing success with IP but could not keep it off. I have lost on ww and although slow, I am keeping it off but do want to see some more results. I cannot deprive myself or I cannot sustain. I go back and forth. Right now Im doing a lower carb version of ww.  
by (1.2k points)
Im just not sure about pulling trigger again on IP.  
by (580 points)
@disfavor412 Jo Abbinanti Liccar IP will take it off faster but you will also put it on quicker as well. If you are losing on WW and it's working I would stick to it. I wouldn't say I am depriving myself just making sure I stay healthy and keep in my new wardrobe :)
+16 votes
by (3.2k points)
Newbie to meal prep. Any suggestions on the best way to start? Do you sit down and write out a menu for the different days or what have you found works the best? I’m 4 pounds from my goal.  
by (580 points)
@alvis I really just get protein in bulk and cook it for the week. I make enough to get me enough lunches with veggies and dinners for me and my husband. Salad or veggies for dinner. Sounds really boring but the simplicity makes me stick to my good eating habits. Hope that helps
by (3.2k points)
@slouch yes it does. I just need to do it. Do you freeze anything or keep it o. The refrigerator
by (580 points)
@alvis all in the fridge.  
+22 votes
by (3.4k points)
Same! Groceries and food prep on Sundays for 3 years!  
+1 vote
by (860 points)
Can I friend regular you.  
by (580 points)
@faretheewell3788 Richards Walstedt yes
+23 votes
by (2k points)
I was just told by my doctor to stop losing. Time for transition and maintenance. and I am terrified. I am looking for new recipes and food plan ideas. I loved the program because grab-and-go food works well for me. I’ve lost 140#.  
+20 votes
by (470 points)
What does a typical day of eating look like for you?  
by (580 points)
@bittersweet6 @dysphagia Breakfast: ideal protein oatmeal with caramel apples from IP cookbook but mostly either a ONE or QUEST protein bar Lunch:some sort of veggies and protein, I eat a lot of chicken and ground turkey Dinner:same as lunch I have added nuts, raisins, popcorn, plantain chips, avacado and LILY choc bars to my diet since phasing off I go to Orange Theory Fitness and since Covid19, I have been doing my own inside/outside workouts and jogging
by (470 points)
@slouch thank u.  
+6 votes
by (1.1k points)
Struggling. Down 60 pounds and been sabotaging myself for the last three days!  
+24 votes
by (370 points)
Restarted 2 weeks ago. meal prep was how I was so successful last time. had to start prepping again because I knew I wouldn't be successful again. All of my restarts failed because I hadn't done meal prep.  
by (580 points)
@klinger good for you. good luck, you've got this
by (370 points)
@slouch thank you!  
+11 votes
by (360 points)
HELP! Still trying to get through p1. Long term meal prep is a problem for me. I am successful for about 1 week and after that I fall off the wagon. It's a lot of work Second having to plan menus is a problem for me. It is only me & my husband. He will eat whatever I prepare  I so badly want the FAT off but struggling really bad and hating what I look like at 5'2". What suggestions do you have?  
by (580 points)
@adorno make things in bulk on Sunday as eat them for lunch and dinner through the week. This Sunday I made wings and thighs on the smoker and roasted veggies for dinners and a pot of Jenean's cauliflower rice with chicken for my lunches. Maybe two hours all together and done thinking about it for the week. Grab and go. It's really the only thing that works and you can't fall off the wagon. Sorry if I'm being harsh but if you want the body change you, I'm 5'2 as well, it's the only way to get it! Friend me if you want to talk more. you CAN do this.  
by (360 points)
@slouch Thank you I'm going to give it another shot! Keep safe!  
by (580 points)
@adorno good for you. Let me know how it goes
+13 votes
by (350 points)
Can I eat cauliflower pizza crust on Phase 1?  
by (580 points)
@wakeen6390 it probably has some sort of cheese to keep the crust together. Read the labels
+18 votes
by (810 points)
I love this Hanna! I’m in my third month of maintenance, after losing over 50lbs., and it has been so, so freeing! My body fat% has gone down and my weight is the same as when I left. I do a monthly call with my amazing coach, as well❤️ food prep is very empowering for sure! Thank you for sharing! ’
by (580 points)
@excruciating3 good for you, keep it up! Safe safe and healthy!  
The Ideal Protein Protocol Group is where you can always find questions, answers, advice, reviews & recommendations from other community members about recipes, tips, and support for Phase 1 of the Ideal Protein Protocol.