+15 votes
by (570 points)
Anyone know if Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods allowing to bring in your bags?  
Anyone know if Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods allowing to bring in your bags?

13 Answers

+11 votes
by (1.1k points)
Best answer
They allow me to bring my bags they just cannot bag it for you.  
by (320 points)
@ignorant I was told that I couldn't even bag my own bags.  
by (1.1k points)
I just went the other day. i had the bag in the cart. she said i can use it but i just cannot put it on the counter for them to bag
+7 votes
by (580 points)
They are not.  
+8 votes
by (410 points)
No, they are not.  
+11 votes
by (630 points)
But you can roll cart out to car and put their bags into yours for easier carrying when you get home.  
+9 votes
by (4.4k points)
No outside bags
+10 votes
by (590 points)
No you can’t, but TJ are also not charging you for their bags
+10 votes
by (630 points)
You can bring to TJ but you have to bag outside. It was pretty easy to do and I was able to reuse.  
+11 votes
by (570 points)
I've been bringing a laundry basket and it's worked perfectly
+7 votes
by (400 points)
Trader Joe’s does not
+5 votes
by (2k points)
Yes but you have to leave the bags outside and push your cart out and bag them yourself.  
+14 votes
by (380 points)
I know it's probably too late, but Trader Joe's has mini purse sized hand sanitizers. Limit 2, just in case you are looking
+2 votes
by (210 points)
At Trader Joe's I put my own bag(s) on the bottom shelf of the cart when I go in. When I check out, clerk puts my groceries back in the cart as he/she rings them up. I then push my cart outside, put my groceries in my own bags, and they take my cart.  
+14 votes
by (380 points)
I have been taking all my groceries to the car in the cart and baging them there. ♻️
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