+3 votes
by (560 points)
Hello again lovely group!  I only have one credit card (BofA) and I want a second credit card so I applied for Chase Freedom but it got rejected on November 20th due to "lack of credit history".Hello again lovely group! I only have one credit card (BofA) and I want a second credit card so I applied for Chase Freedom but it got rejected on November 20th due to "lack of credit history". Question is, how long should I wait before applying again? I heard 3 to 6 months but I need to be assured by your wisdom. Thanks!  
Hello again lovely group!  I only have one credit card (BofA) and I want a second credit card so I a

1 Answer

0 votes
by (4.6k points)
1. What other credit history do you have? Just a BofA? How long have you had it? 2. Do you have a purpose for having a second card? Certain point or rewards your looking to achieve? 3. When you do reapply are you planning on applying for the same card or another card?  
by (560 points)
Hello @tali787! I appreciate your answer a lot! 1. I don't really have a credit history other than my bills in my BofA card and everyday use. 2. My purpose is to build up credit history so I can get an auto loan which I got rejected cause I don't have credit history 3. I think I won't reapply for Chase since will ask me for credit history, I think I will apply for Capital One or Discover since they're not as hard as Chase. Thank you very much!  
by (1.5k points)
Take a look at Credit Karma; they will suggest cards that you're likely to get approved for. Every time you apply for credit, your score takes a small hit, so it helps if you aren't applying for cards that you can't get.  
by (4.6k points)
@isidroisinglass has a point. Credit Karma would help guide you to credit cards you can use. Make sure to pay them off every month and don’t hold a balance.  
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