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Ever feel like you are winning in every area of your life. until you look at your bank account? If you constantly find yourself undoing all of your hard work financially or hitting a “financial ceiling”, this post will help you deal with that… Once you have made the decision to take your finances seriously, you always start off really well You are focused, making changes and adjustments… things go well BUT… for most of us, it all falls apart pretty soon after It is like that new years resolution you drop by February Truth is though, it is not your FAULT! You are being held back by “Financial Self Sabotage” — — I remember about 6 months into our marriage, I started to take a systematic approach to managing our finances It was going really well, for the first time in ages we had money in secondary accounts It was a great feeling BUT… the truth is, when we would get to any decent amount of money, we found ourselves more or less finding things that we “need” We didn’t actually need these particular items at all. We thought we did so we would use the money we had in the secondary accounts to make the purchases This happened, if I am being honest, more than I would like to admit We were under the influence of Financial Self Sabotage We didn’t know it at the time but somewhere on a subconscious level, we were at war with what we were trying to achieve — — If I had my time again, this would be the first thing I would deal with for my wife and I So here is a “quick” process to removing any hint of Financial Self Sabotage Everything we do in life is either to avoid pain or gain pleasure, the stronger of the two being the avoidance of pain For this reason, we first need to dump as much pain as possible on the idea of not having money Sounds simple enough and it is, but most of us in the absence of having money, have moments of pain spread out. This means we never find enough motivation for change SO. you need to list out everything in life you don’t currently have or will never have due to not having money Draw from personal experience. Maybe you have had debt collectors calling, remember that pain and write it down Maybe you have to live in a less than desirable location because you can’t afford to live where you want to, write it down Maybe your kids go to a “bad” school because you can’t afford to send them to the one you really want to, write it down THEN. we need to make sure every association we have with having money or an abundance of money is pleasurable So for this you need to make another list, but this is more of a word association List single words or small phrases that you associate with having an abundance of money Think about how different your life would be if you had an abundance of money How does that make you feel? What is your life like now? What are some of the things you would do if you had money? Write these all down One list should draw out tremendous pain, helping you move away from not having money The other list should further motivate you towards the things you would enjoy by having an abundance of money If you made it all the way through this and got some value from it, leave me a "" down below
Ever feel like you are winning in every area of your life.

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