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The quickest way for you and your partner to create financial momentum Most couples are familiar with a feeling of “spinning your wheels”, particularly in the area of finances. No matter how hard you try you can never break out of where you are, you can never reach that next level. More than anything else you feel financially STUCK! For nearly everyone the biggest thing keeping them stuck is Mindset. So the quickest way to create financial momentum is… Deal with the thing between your ears! Now easy to say, not easy to execute… So the first step… Classify every belief you have (in relation to money) into the two categories of true and false. Identify the false beliefs you have about money and throw them out. But we can’t just stop there… Amazingly, you can still have true beliefs that are limiting, simply because they are not empowering. So the third category of beliefs is empowering. A great example of this would be the old saying “money doesn’t grow on trees” That statement is 100% true but about 0% empowering. So the second step is, we tweak it. Make some changes so then it becomes both true and empowering! You could change it into something like “money doesn’t grow on trees, yes, but it grows out of me taking massive action towards my financial goals” Small tweak, 100% true and 100% empowering! Another example would be the statement I am sure we have all heard “we can’t afford that” For these a simple tweak can actually be changing it from a statement to a question A statement closes the mind and a question opens the mind to possibilities So a really good tweak would be changing it to the question “how can we afford this? ” Small tweak, 100% true and 100% empowering! So take some time now and try to remember the things you heard about money growing up… Make a list of all of these things, then systematically, go through this list Destroy the things that are simply not true, I actually want you to notice yourself crossing them out Then for all of the things that are true, it is time to get tweaking Just like in the examples above I want you to rewrite them with the small tweak you have made Now every time you remember or think about these statement, make sure to add on your tweak There are huge benefits to this exercise and Mindset is an ongoing battle Fix the Mindset and the Money will flow Josh
The quickest way for you and your partner to create financial momentum Most couples are familiar wit

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