+7 votes
by (820 points)
Anyone a sewing machine expert? I'm having issues with my singer and have no idea what it is. I've taken it apart to clean it, played around with both thread and bobbin tension. Please help!  
Anyone a sewing machine expert?

5 Answers

+10 votes
by (1.5k points)
Best answer
Check that your bobbin casing was returned correctly after cleaning and is sitting evenly. This has happened to me a couple times and it has always been the bobbin casing isn’t right after cleaning it.  
by (820 points)
@damian done this like 5 times already. It was seriously working on the practice fabric then it wouldnt work correctly on my working fabric
by (1.5k points)
@fernandafernande7 ugh I’ll ask in my sewing group and see if they have any insight.  
by (820 points)
@damian thank you! I'm talking with one of my sewing friends as well and I emailed singer. It's the weirdest thing. My stepmom thinks I may need to replace the bobbin casing
by (1.5k points)
@fernandafernande7 several people have said your needle is probably dull/bent and to replace the needle (making sure it is all the way in). I’ll keep you posted if they say anything else.  
by (820 points)
@damian I replaced it yesterday
by (820 points)
@damian this is definitely a brain buster
+2 votes
by (5.5k points)
Not am expert, but i sew. The bobbin thread is going the correct direction? I've made that mistake. Top thread doing correct direction? Whats it doing?  
by (5.5k points)
@fernandafernande7 very frustrating I know! BEST OF LUCK
by (820 points)
@michaeline24 thank you! I'm thinking morning coffee and the kids in bed may be a better time to fiddle with the machine.  
by (120 points)
@fernandafernande7 sorry. That’s all I have for you. I feel your frustration.  
by (820 points)
@unfailing thanks! I'm going to mess around with it either tonight or tomorrow with a fresh mind and hopefully sleeping children so I dont hear "mom, mom, mom! "every 5 seconds.  
by (120 points)
@fernandafernande7 it took me a number of tries to fix a similar problem on a borrowed machine. Good luck.  
+1 vote
by (2k points)
What is it doing? Can you take a picture of what you’re working with?  
by (820 points)
@uretic981 so many things. Needle thread is sometimes catching and getting stuck in the bobbin casing, sometimes bobbin thread wont stay in the stitch
by (2k points)
Have you tried unwinding the bobbin thread, rewinding, and then retreading your needle? Is it creating any type of seam?  
by (820 points)
@uretic981 sometimes it works fine then it just doesnt. I've re-threaded it
by (820 points)
I'll try to record it in a bit
+9 votes
by (920 points)
I had the same issue at the beginning with certain fabrics while making masks, the needle was too thick and pushing the fabric down, when I doubled the fabric it was a bit better. Although I was using 100% cotton, all fabric and prints feel different. Some masks I had to triple or quadruple it if I didn’t have interface for the thinner cottons. Love Kona fabric. So my question would be if maybe the fabric or needle maybe the problem or the thread maybe too thick for that fabric causing it to go down.  
+7 votes
by (310 points)
Is this new thread? I found the thread weight makes a difference
by (820 points)
@isagogics not a new thread. Was working fine with this thread for a few days of mask making and then it wasnt
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