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by (120 points)
Hey Moms, I need your help. I have a 3 week old baby (my first) and every time he has to poop or pass gas he is EXTREMELY fussy. He will contort his whole body and turn red and cry/scream, and this happens ever time- unless he is in a deep sleep (and sometimes it still wakes him up). I burp him after every feeding, do bicycle exercises with his legs and try to make sure he is latching properly (he is breast feeding), but nothing helps. He does have thrush, which I thought might be causing some of his discomfort, but has been on the meds for a week and he is still super fussy. I'm not sure if he is just colicky, or if maybe he is allergic to something I am eating, because lately during some of the times he is nursing he will pull away and cry multiple times. Has anyone ever experienced these things and if so, what did you do? Did they just grow out of it? I know babies just cry for no reason, so maybe I am overthinking this, but he seems to only get super upset if he has gas.  
Hey Moms, I need your help.

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