+2 votes
by (410 points)
Having some issues with my floodlight camera It’s over my back deck and covers the back yard and pool The light seems very sensitive and is constantly turning on. I adjusted the motion zones. In order for it to not be sensitive , o have it set close to minimum. Any ideas as to why it would be triggering so easily?  
Having some issues with my floodlight camera It’s over my back deck and covers the back yard and p

1 Answer

0 votes
by (150 points)
Ive got the same problem I had to turn the camera off as it was going in and off all night x
by (410 points)
@lamia I’m thinking the rippling water from the pool may be setting it off. Not sure. Totally annoying
by (150 points)
I have a fountain in my garden ive been thinking the same its very frustrating isn't it. Lets hope someone can help us with this problem x
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