+6 votes
by (730 points)
Would someone please help me?! Ok so I'm wanting to do WW but I don't know how to get started? What do all the different colors mean when someone says that's the plan they are on? How would I know which plan to be on?  
Would someone please help me?!

2 Answers

+5 votes
by (560 points)
Best answer
Theres a kind of questionairre you answer when you sign up online, that decides what plan they think will work best for you, and how many points youll be allocated. But you can change the plan if you feel another one would better.  
by (560 points)
You pay youre monthly subcription fee, the questionairre is part of the sign up. Referral codes can give you a month free, im not sure if im alllowed to share mine here though.  
by (560 points)
. I cant see anything in the rules to say i cant share. Admin please point me in the right direction if i missed it
+6 votes
by (4.5k points)
If you are joining the website should have info to help you. Or better yet go to a meeting the leader will walk you through getting startrd.  
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