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by (1.1k points)
The key to any weight loss, lifestyle, body composition, or mindset change comes down to one thing And in this post, I'm going to take a deep dive into exactly what that one thing is, and how it is the ONLY mechanism that matters when working to make a change in any direction That key being?  ADHERENCE  Actually doing the work you need to do in order to create change Adherence is a term that encompasses so many different elements; planning, structuring, executing. and rewarding. Let's look at weight loss for example In order to lose weight, you need to Plan your daily intake, and outtake of calories and stresses You need to structure your day and your meals that support your goal Execute those plans on the daily, no matter what Then celebrate the fact that you are moving faster, accomplishing more than you would be had you not made these plans 1 Year of consistency > 3 months of crash dieting Always Yeah Steve, no kidding, you have to do the work. SO WHY ARE YOU NOT? There's something holding you back, you see all those transformation photos asking your self "Why can't that be me? " Because there is a good chance you are missing one element of adherence, and there's an even better chance you stopped way earlier than a year because you were discouraged I think it's time to move forward, get the body you deserve, have the energy you desire
The key to any weight loss, lifestyle, body composition, or mindset change comes down to one thing A

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