+2 votes
by (150 points)
Budget category question: Kid sport fees Summer camp scouting dues/fees Would you just categorize that under that particular child or would you name it something else? I know it’s a simple question. First month (discovery) of actually tracking my expenses for real. My youngest is very active and we have to start putting deposits on summer stuff just wanted others opinions?! Thanks
Budget category question: Kid sport fees Summer camp scouting dues/fees Would you just categorize th

1 Answer

0 votes
by (4.3k points)
I made a category for kids (I have a 20 in college & 14 in HS) and then I have a school category. January was my first month so I’m trying to figure things out still. My college one gets $ straight from my paycheck but at times I have to supplement her acct so I plan to put that in Kid. My son is in FFA so anything school related goes in it - lunch money, FFA dues, meals while at stockshow etc.  
by (150 points)
@crucible College kid and 10 year old. My college kid needs stuff occasionally. The little one  
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