+4 votes
by (5.8k points)
My other small business owners in here, how do you manage to budget by paycheck when you aren't regularly able to pay yourself? I have some ideas but I wanted to see what has worked for others
My other small business owners in here, how do you manage to budget by paycheck when you aren't regu

3 Answers

+6 votes
by (920 points)
Best answer
I know this may not be extremely helpful but I am a small business owner. We live solely off of my husband's income and then when I can pay myself, it's all towards debt or savings
+4 votes
by (260 points)
What I do it keep all the money I earn for a 2 week for the two week period in my business account and let it build up. Then on “Payday” I transfer it over as my paycheck.  
+6 votes
by (2.5k points)
I have irregular income as a freelancer and just pay myself an average every two weeks. Some months I have a large amount coming in and then some months I don't have any income.  
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