+3 votes
by (620 points)
Absolutely taking a chance that someone is with me on this lol. Has anyone trained and competed in a bodybuilding show? I'm training currently. I'm a personal trainer so I don't pay anyone. I know competing can be very very expensive but there are a lot of ways to save. My problem is I would like to wait till I'm totally out of debt or I would feel terrible spending money for this! At some point you absolutely need a coach and you get what you pay for. And that's money spent even before the actual competition itself. Coaching yourself is not a good idea the first time. Has anyone been able to do this while still paying off debt? Or did you wait till you were totally debt free? FYI we're very slowly catching up but there are still 2 bills I'm not even paying on yet. So obviously I'm not saving a ton of money to put aside. Right now my competition fund is a change jar for spare change only. Thanks
Absolutely taking a chance that someone is with me on this lol.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (4.4k points)
MY daughter competes and it isnt cheap so if your four walls arent caught up then you shouldn't be paying to compete
+1 vote
by (800 points)
Speaking as an athlete (though not bodybuilding, but I do take my sport seriously) I would say if you’re still behind on bills, it’s not time. Bodybuilding is, for 99% of those who do it, a hobby. Rare are those who are going to get a sponsorship out of it to where it becomes business money. But I also fully understand the pull of your chosen sport, and the desire to move ahead and not keep treading water. I would say once you are caught up on bills and you have a comfortable hold on your debt payments and you’re making real headway on those goals, then consider working it into the budget. But I wouldn’t let it consume your debt snowball/avalanche. You need some wiggle room in the budget before you should consider moving forward with it.  
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