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by (5k points)
I need some input, currently we have $538 in minimum payments to CC debt. Just under 12k, we don't have much wiggle room in our budget to give extra credit card payments. I'm debating doing a debt consolidation loan to put them all into one lump sump, granted the interest I'm being offered isn't all that great. However my MIL has helped us out in the past by moving debt into her name (or cards) with either no interest or low interest. I'm thinking if we do this and give her $500 a month we can have it paid off in a year! We save all the interest. This way it also clears our debt (except for out minivan $17k) and increases our credit score to apply for is house. Any input? Thanks ♥️
I need some input, currently we have $538 in minimum payments to CC debt.

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