+8 votes
by (200 points)
Have an interview tomorrow at 2pm for a different postion within my company. This is the 3rd time I have interviewed for this position. Everytime I have asked for feedback on where I can improve the only answers I have recieved are to show more leadership and it was just the group I was up against was tough. Any advice on what else I can do? Tips or tricks to help my chances. I have been told by the supervisor he highly encourages me to apply again with previous declined offers. He is also my husbands supervisor and knows we want to get on the same shift which is what this interview is finally for, all the previous interviews have been for opposite day shifts (which is what we currently are). I hope this had something to do with previous decisions.  
Have an interview tomorrow at 2pm for a different postion within my company.

6 Answers

+3 votes
by (4k points)
Show up prepared. Have copies of your resume. Ask questions. Look above the part (dress above the job your applying for). I always show up with a folder with copies of my licenses, credentials, resume, a typed letter of questions you have about the job. I have never not gotten a job I’ve applied for. Research questions they may ask you and practice answers for the questions. Be confident but not cocky
by (4k points)
Write down the answers they give you
by (630 points)
This. ☝️ Look organized and like you really want the job. I bring along a sheet of situational examples to answer those hard ‘tell me about a time. ’ If I get stuck on an answer I ask if it is OK to look at my sheet. (I have short bulleted points on it. ) I’ve always gotten praise on how prepared I am and have always gotten the job. Since they’ve brought up leadership as feedback, think ahead of time how you can highlight your leadership skills in your answers.  
+4 votes
by (1.7k points)
JL’s advice is good. Take it very seriously. Do not tell them you want the job to get on the same schedule as your husband (do not even talk about your husband). Make the interview about what you bring to the table. Make sure you follow up after the interview with a thank you email. Stay in touch with the interviewers during their decision making process but do not pester. Really think about how you've improved your leadership. Try to read up on leadership some before the interview. I could pm you some stuff if you want.  
+5 votes
by (11.6k points)
Be confident, show them you deserve it
+6 votes
by (2.3k points)
If you’re interviewing with the same people, might be good to explain what you’ve done to grow and be more of a leader since the last interview to show you took their advice to heart.  
+8 votes
by (12k points)
Provide examples of how you have demonstrated leadership in your current position and provide specific examples of how you are the best candidate for the position you’re interviewing for.  
+7 votes
by (14.4k points)
Provide demonstrable examples of leadership roles you’ve taken on. Tough decisions you’ve made, examples you’ve provided to co-workers, decisive actionable positions you’ve taken, your ability to encourage and support others, problem solving, etc. If your manager is encouraging you, you are likely a good candidate. Stay positive, project confidence, believe in yourself and don’t accept another declination as the end. Stay focused on your goal and you will achieve it. Good luck!  
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