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Hello all!  I’m 19 and live in Oklahoma.Hello all! I’m 19 and live in Oklahoma. I’m full time in college and work part time outside of school. right now I’m $16000 in debt due to a car loan. The only bills I pay (since I still live with family) are car insurance, phone, my loan, and gym membership. I have $2, 000 in emergency funds and roughly $600 in savings. I plan on moving out in a year due to the career program I’m wishing to get into. Scary, but wondering if I should cut my “emergency funds” down to $1000 and put the other $1000 to savings for when I move out? Also, I thought about putting more money towards my loan, but was told not too because It’s helping me build credit by paying it each month. Any opinions and advice is much appreciated. thank you in advanced!  
Hello all!  I’m 19 and live in Oklahoma.

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