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by (1.7k points)
I’m sorry I’m not asking for advice. but I kind of am? I am so so so frustrated. I feel like I’ll never get ahead. My cousin who doesn’t make much money, and her husband makes a little more than I do are ahead of my boyfriend and I. I know it’s not good to compare yourself to others but she has a $500+ car loan and mine is paid off. She owns a home and I’m renting. She has a kid, and I don’t. I just don’t get how she can have a kid, pay for the car, pay a mortgage, have a dog, have chickens, buy her kid anything she wants, and still afford to go to Disney. Any tips on how to stop feeling defeated? Or how to save on trips to Disney? My boyfriend and I want to go SO bad but feel like it’s out of reach because of the cost.  
I’m sorry I’m not asking for advice.

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