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Alright y’all.  I have posted a few times.Alright y’all. I have posted a few times. A little backstory for y’all. We have 4 kids and I am due with our last baby next month. We have been renting a run down trailer for $950 a month for the last year while we learned to budget, get a reliable vehicle and pay off some debt. this trailer is in a “not so great” neighborhood where big dogs are allowed to roam (by roam I mean, sneak up behind the kids and I, growl, snap their teeth or just plain chase us down) and some drug activity here as well.  We started looking for a new place before the baby is born. and one kind of fell into our lap. We are 30 points from being able to buy a house, still have some debt in collections to pay off but overall, we are in a mich better financial situation. So about this new house, it is in our desired neighborhood, has everything we want in a house, in the school district we so desperately need, closer to hubs work, my mom lives up the street and best of all, it is for sale. I know the realtor that owns the home. She would be willing to rent it to us, while we work with her lender to finish bringing our credit to where it needs to be. The drawback, it is $1700 per month. Can we afford it? Yes. in fact our electric would go down by ALMOST $200 a month, we would drop cable and just stick to internet/Netflix which would save us at least another $100. But it scares me because it is such a huge leap from what we are currently paying. On the other hand, we should be able to close in 6 months and our house payment would be around $1100 with taxes and insurance. What would y’all do? Or any suggestions?  
Alright y’all.  I have posted a few times.

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