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by (480 points)
So I’m wanting some opinions. Our current house is a mobile home (that’s falling apart) with BAD neighbors that we share a driveway with. The place is paid off but isn’t worth hardly anything, and I don’t see anyone buying it even for super cheap with the neighbor situation. (It’s so bad you can drive by and wouldn’t want to be near the neighbors. ) My husband and I are trying to decide between saving up the money for a house so we have it (gives us the security that if things get too much worse we could move pretty quickly) , and then paying down our car ( our only debt) for as long as we can stand to be there. The other option would be to pay off the car and then save up the money to buy another place. The second option saves us about $2500 in interest on the car but the first option would give us more security in knowing that if things go too much more downhill we could move pretty quick. What would you all do?  
So I’m wanting some opinions.

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