+9 votes
by (3.4k points)
Does anyone pay their Bill's every paycheck instead of once a month? Does it save you money? I am struggling with still having the money when it's time to pay the bill. Ex: water is 200 a quarter so I try to save 68 a month, but on month three, I dont have enough. I do I fix this. so stressed.  
Does anyone pay their Bill's every paycheck instead of once a month?

7 Answers

+11 votes
by (1.2k points)
Best answer
So my water bill is also every quarter. I treat it as a monthly bill and sock 1/3rd of the typical amount in my savings account (can't do partial payments). But every bill gets paid on a paycheck whether or not it's due on the day of my paycheck. By putting it in my savings account it's not in my readily accessable funds as it were. So I don't spend it.  
by (19.7k points)
@knot3677 i do this too
by (640 points)
@knot3677 I do this too.  
+6 votes
by (23.6k points)
Yes, I pay all bills when we are paid. A few are paid in advance, since that's when we have the money for it.  
+8 votes
by (5.9k points)
Yep! I have a bi-weekly mortgage so it works better for me to pay all of my bills like that.  
+8 votes
by (2.5k points)
We do. I split my bills up between the two paydays, had some dates moved to make it work. It has helped so much. We are still top heavy and have nothing left on the first, but the 2nd half of the month we have some breathing room.  
+11 votes
by (1.9k points)
I also pay what ever is due with my paycheck and if its a partial payment i send it to savings or withdrawal it and put it in an envelope that way its out if sight out of mind and im not tempted to spend it sitting in my checkings acct
+10 votes
by (610 points)
I average bills and pay an amount every paycheck. I also over pay a few $$ so if I need wiggle room I have it
+13 votes
by (2.7k points)
If you pay your cc bill when it arrives instead of the due date you will save a little bit of interest. For your water could you make an envelope and put 75 every month and when you are short you have a water cushion.  
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