+13 votes
by (230 points)
Good evening lovelies, I will receiving Child Support starting this week. I am wondering how you add that in to your budget, or what do you do with it? Do you take some of it for your kid and use the rest on what is needed at that time? please help. Thank you
Good evening lovelies, I will receiving Child Support starting this week.

11 Answers

0 votes
by (2.3k points)
Is it guaranteed that he’ll pay? If not I would consider it extra income when it comes in.  
by (230 points)
Right now I want to say yes. We just had our court date to get it settled. That's what i was thinking of doing, considering it as extra income. Thank you
by (2.3k points)
@hard my ex won’t pay. So I don’t live on anything he can take away
by (230 points)
@teodoro Thats a fair point. before we did this all i would get from him was $100 once a month or when ever he felt like it. like $100 is enough to aid in raising a 6 yr old
by (2.3k points)
@hard my ex wants me to sign over the government benefits and sign away child support. So now I invest everything extra that comes in.  
by (230 points)
@teodoro I am sorry hun. wow people suck some times, eh?! . Thank you i will make sure to keep that in mind going forward. Best of luck to you. I am rooting for ya!  
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by (870 points)
You pretty much have to plan on not getting it. I was sure my ex would always pay, and typically he does, but he does it on his schedule so sometimes he pays 3 months late and sometimes in advance. So, I budget 100% without it. When I get it, I evaluate where I need it most. Think of it as being reimbursed for what you already spent on your child. If he pays in advance, I might pay daycare or utilities in advance and then my budget for the next paycheck is a little easier. Or I put it into completing the baby steps, emergency fund, debt pay off etc. Just do not let child support be what keeps your lights on. Even if things are going well, it could disappear at anytime. Also, it’s different for every state, but I got my ex’s wages garnished. It took very little effort and I did it without a lawyer or child support services. My ex appreciated it because then he didn’t have to go in and write the check
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by (1.1k points)
Mine is used to pay for my son's braces - we pay monthly interest free. We have spare in the account for if he doesn't pay.  
0 votes
by (1.6k points)
My child support is SUPPOSED to be paid every week they take it from his checks but sometimes they dont pay it every week so I just leave it on the card till the end of the month and use it for bills, food or whatever . its not a reliable income for sure. mine goes on a debit card so I just go to the bank and do a transfer into my account
by (230 points)
@flay7, I do have a separate account for my daughter. Thats where it would be going. holding it till the end of the month is a good idea
by (1.6k points)
@hard I have separate accounts for my 3 kids as well but have always used child support as whatever I need it for at the time I get it.  
0 votes
by (4.7k points)
I get $200 a month on the first from my daughters fathers wife. lol. not even him. She’s been consistent the last year so it’s an income on that first paycheck. The minute it’s missed or behind. I’ll start counting it as extra! For now I factor it into my bills
by (230 points)
@expeditious that's a good way to do it. Sucks that he can't pay for her. Im sorry
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by (570 points)
Up until now it has just been deposited into my account and used for whatever. My son just turned 14 last week so now I am putting his whole CS check into savings for him a vehicle because I feel quite sure his dad isn’t going to help. He is one of those that thinks he can pay his monthly $$ and be done  
by (230 points)
@brachypterous wow some people, eh?! . Good thing to help save for though
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by (2.9k points)
I don't put it in my budget at all. If I get it, I add it to sinking funds. It's been pretty consistent as of late, but for the past 7 years I never knew if it was coming and he's thousands of dollars in arrears that I'm not sure I'll ever see so I don't count on it as part of our regular budget.  
by (230 points)
@blamable I'm sorry he is so far behind. Once things get going more for me, there will be about the same. As I am having him back pay the past 3 years( that's as far as they will let me go back)
0 votes
by (3.4k points)
Assuming you think he will be reasonably reliable, I would take a hybrid of this advice. Keep in mind that you do not have to prove that money is spend specifically on the child, as all your expenses are affected by a dependent, and I am sure you will be appropriately taking care of their needs. If I had enough income to not rely on it, I would use it towards my savings goals or extra debt repayment. But, if you need it for expenses I would handle it differently. Depending on how it is paid, I would take the first few months and put it in a separate account. Then, I would include it in my budget. If it ends up to be unreliable, you can change tactics.  
by (3.4k points)
But if he misses a payment, etc, you have some built in to fill in and give you time to change your budget.  
by (230 points)
@firer I am supposed to be getting it every two weeks. I do have a seperate account for my daughter. That's where it would be going.  
0 votes
by (870 points)
My ex has never missed a payment, I receive it biweekly and mark it as income the same as my paycheque
0 votes
by (2.5k points)
I get $500/mth. Which doesn’t even cover their medical insurance. So I have their lunch account auto draft from it, and use the rest for dr co-pays, drive thru snacks now and then, and any socks or cheap stuff they need. It doesn’t go far with two teens.  
by (230 points)
@outlawry wow, I don't think it would now a days. I am sure you are doing great with what you get. ️  
0 votes
by (8.8k points)
I count it as income. I get it weekly. It goes towards feeding them and any clothes or anything they need.  
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