+2 votes
by (1.6k points)
Need advice!  Has anyone wrote a letter or rescission when sold an item they were told they could "earn"?Need advice! Has anyone wrote a letter or rescission when sold an item they were told they could "earn"? I was told I could "earn" a "big name vacuum system" in September of 2019 and at that time the entire terms of the program were not given to me. I was not informed of all the terms until 2-3 weeks later and not sent a "contract" for the program until October/November. After trying to contact the people who I was trying to earn this from, the interactions were not in the least bit friendly or understanding in any way. I happened to be talking to a friend and she mentioned writing a letter or rescission even though it has been well past the time. I would have in NO WAY entered into this thinking I was going to have to pay in the end and am more than willing to return the item as I do not want this mess affecting my credit when it was a crummy salesman that did not give full disclosure. Any advice? Thanks!  
Need advice!  Has anyone wrote a letter or rescission when sold an item they were told they could &q

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (14.5k points)
Best answer
Oh lord, this sounds like Kirby vacuum type stuff. If they misrepresented themselves, absolutely try the letter of recession. It is likely too late. If you did sign a contract you are stuck unless you can get someone to talk to you that will make it right
+2 votes
by (210 points)
Was this through like an mlm or something like that? I’ve never heard of anything like this before.  
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