+50 votes
by (1.9k points)
For those that have used cloth diapers for their little ones, my biggest reason is health for my future baby and saving money. My concern is. buying them used? I know everyone that buys them resells them usually, but idk i feel like thats gross? tell me why it is or not ? other less important questions: favorite brand? favorite type (prefold, all in one, pockets etc)?  
For those that have used cloth diapers for their little ones, my biggest reason is health for my fut

46 Answers

+17 votes
by (560 points)
I had a mix of used and new. Keep on mind, quality used cloth diapers hold their value well so they aren't necessarily super cheap. When I bought used, I always stripped (boiling water with bleach soak) before my regular wash routine so I was comfortable that there was no residue from previous owner. I made due with all types of the cloth diaper but my hubby preferred all in ones, just convenience for him.  
+36 votes
by (570 points)
My favorite by far we’re Bum Genius. I bought some other brands but regretted them. I found the quality just wasn’t there with other brands and defeated the purpose of buying cheaper. They either didn’t absorb as well or things like the elastic -and snaps didn’t last as long. I did buy used and sanitizer the heck out of them but then so much of the life had gone out of the covers that I just found it better in the long run to pay for new. Some of the ones I bought used eventually had the elastic go out and I had to repair and replace. Some of the used ones were good and had probably been used for one child. Others had diapered an entire family if children. If you buy used, I’d ask how many children were diapered with these. One child, I’d consider buying. More than one, I’d pass.  
+3 votes
by (410 points)
Honestly the cheap Alva Baby pocket diapers with upgraded inserts are my go to. I get the bamboo charcoal inserts - my advice would be to stay away from microfibre, stick to natural materials. We purchased used newborn cloth diapers since they're only in them for such a short time, I stripped and washed them and I felt fine with it.  
by (570 points)
Definitely stick with natural inserts!  
+5 votes
by (740 points)
I mainly cloth diapered so i could save money and reduce environmental impact. I used bum genius flip covers with velcro closure for ease of use, and a type of prefold that Cotton Babies doesn't appear to make any more, but they could be folded either long ways or short ways so you didnt have to size up as they grew, loved them. I got most of my flip covers as part of their seconds sale so they were new but discounted. They have the sale a couple times a year and if you sign up for email alerts you will be notified of when they are. I didnt use newborn cloth diapers because they were just so expensive, and as my son got older his daycare wouldnt use cloth diapers so he was only in them about half time then, but I still estimated I saved about $1000 in diapering costs! The natural materials in the inserts are more expensive than the microfiber, but they were so much easier to clean and didnt irritate my son's skin. Natural materials also become more absorbent the longer they are used, so that is actually a benefit of buying inserts used - they will actually hold more pee than the new ones! As stated above i would just buy inserts used and get new covers because there is so much that can go wrong with elastic and snaps after more than one child uses them. The inserts are also easier to sanitize without damaging them.  
+21 votes
by (570 points)
I have both new and used cloth. I stripped the used ones before I put them on the bum. Buying used was the best way for us to start our rotation because my husband had no faith I would stick with it. Started when my second was 6 months old. He will be 3 on sunday and is about 90% daytime potty trained all on his own.  
+28 votes
by (540 points)
We cloth diaper and bought all new. I still think it was cheaper even though it was a bigger up front investment. i think all in all i paid around $700 for a stash of 36 diapers and all the supplies for cleaning them. they've held up beautifully (she's just over a year now). hoping to sell them and get some money back when we are done. i use bumgenius all in ones
+9 votes
by (690 points)
I just sanitize used ones. Good as new!  
0 votes
by (760 points)
I bought used and stripped them with good luck. I bought some where the elastic was worn out but seller had bought new elastic to replace. I did one and decided I wasn’t replacing any more elastic. So check the elastic and think if you like tedious sewing!  
+27 votes
by (2.6k points)
I loved rumparoos! I got most of mine used - google stripping cloth diApers - like a reset. Don’t do it to often or you’ll damage the doapers
+7 votes
by (4k points)
I used Flipp diapers because they grew with my baby. I didn’t mind spending the money on new ones knowing they would be used for approx 2 years
by (4k points)
When I was done I donated them so new moms struggling could cloth diaper
+34 votes
by (2.9k points)
I loved bum genius when my kids were in diapers! They were awesome. They have such cute patterns.  
by (14.3k points)
@blamable holy cow those are expensive. My kids are grown. How do people afford 21 dollars a diaper?  
by (14.3k points)
@blamable disposable diapers were not that expensive when my kids were little :) when a newborn goes through 12 diapers a day that is almost 300 right there and you will need several days worth so 900 at least to start or your going to be washing every day. Then add laundry soap and electric to wash them it doesn't seem very cost effective was all I meant. Seems like an unnecessary burden on an already exhausted parent :( to each their own though. I am happy it worked for you.  
by (14.3k points)
@blamable sorry didn't mean to offend. That was 900 dollars not 900 diapers. Have a nice day.  
by (14.3k points)
@blamable I am entitled to my own opinions just as you are. Not sure why you are being so defensive. Please stop tagging me and have a nice day.  
+8 votes
by (4.2k points)
I bought some new with our diaper service and bought more used when we moved. Used isn’t bad as long as they aren’t stained or torn. All pieces of a cloth diaper system are washable and most washers have a sanitize mode now. I paid about $200 (new and used) for the 75 piece set I have now. I use a mix of romparooz, button bum, thirsties, etc. but they are all adjustable and have a leakproof material on the inside.  
+4 votes
by (410 points)
I don't know if I'm allowed to promote other groups, but there is an amazing cloth diaper group that I'm in that gives great advice. AllAboutClothDiapers. com Chat
+16 votes
by (23.6k points)
I've clothed for 3 kids and have bought plenty use. I just strip and wash and go.  
+16 votes
by (4.2k points)
Strip and bleach and you should have no worries! And buy used brands you know are good for longevity. It’s a great cheaper option! Almost all mine are used (although they were from a friend) and they have been great.  
+26 votes
by (23.6k points)
With my first, I used Flip covers and GMD prefolds the most. Hook and loop is super easy when they're younger. As they get older, snaps are better so they don't strip constantly. I also use a lot of pockets and inserts now. I used Alva with my first and then switched to mostly BumGenius over the years. As newborns, I preferred all in ones.  
+30 votes
by (530 points)
We love freetimes! But any AIO is my favorite! I used pockets with my first 2, they worked but are a pain to deal with and didn't fit as great because I needed to double stuff so they were very bulky. Freetimes are very fitted. Just strip and follow a good wash cycle when you buy used. (BTW I am destashing! )
+41 votes
by (600 points)
I used them for a little bit. I liked KaWaii Baby. I highly suggest getting disposable liners from amazon though.  
+18 votes
by (3.2k points)
I bought the majority of ours used, and then bought a few new to round out the stash we had. Just make sure you clean them properly after buying used. We are due with our second in May and I am going to use the same diapers for the next little one. This will save us a lot of money, and we also try to be low waste in our house so it helps there as well.  
+26 votes
by (3.3k points)
We cloth diaper and use Bum Genius brand exclusively because they are amazing! We love the all in ones  We did buy 48 of them second hand in excellent condition, absolutely zero stains or smells for dirt cheap with zero regrets.  
by (1.9k points)
@vick Turner free time is the all in one right?  
by (3.3k points)
@assiniboine63 ours are Elemental, I’m not sure about the Freetime.  
by (1.9k points)
@vick Turner they're both all in one, freetime is microfiber and elemental is 100% organic cotton
by (1.3k points)
@assiniboine63 yes the free time is all in one! The free time have 2 micro suede/microfiber inserts sewn in that overlap. I JUST gave my sister my cloth diaper stash, or else I’d post pictures. Lol
+7 votes
by (840 points)
We bought used with no problems! Grovia over here!  
+45 votes
by (550 points)
I liked flats and covers for newborn stage, they cleaned easily and dried super fast. Now we use mostly Mama Koala pockets with upgraded bamboo and hemp inserts. About 2/3 of my stash were bought used and I just did a bleach soak and stripped with RLR then washed with my natural detergent a few times to get it all out.  
by (550 points)
I'll be using the same stash for my babe due in May even if it's a girl since most of mine are gender neutral
+32 votes
by (1.2k points)
I haven't read all the comments so I don't know if anyone else told you about this website. Fluffloveuniversity. com I find it super helpful :) I use pockets for my baby right now. When my older child was in diapers I did covers with a flat snap in insert. I planned to re-use them but can't get them to fit the baby correctly
by (990 points)
@doorknob they often recommend way too much detergent!  
+5 votes
by (990 points)
I love my cloth diapers! I prefer to buy used and skip the hassle of having to Sanitize and strip (if necessary). There are a bunch of websites that offer sezzle so you can split your total into 4 separate payments! They charge you every 2 weeks until it’s paid off. Try happy Beehinds, southern fluff love, nickis diapers. Lighthouse kid company. Bunch of others I can’t think of! I also love simple being brand, elf, alva baby & mama koala!  
+6 votes
by (500 points)
Its been 10 years but I used Bumgenius. Loved them! I sold them when I was done and had so many people interested. Things I couldn't live without when cloth diapering: wet bags, clothes line, toilet sprayer, Nellies bath soap
+20 votes
by (10.1k points)
Make sure that if you put your child in daycare, they will use cloth diapers too!  
+42 votes
by (1.5k points)
If it’s not gross to was and let your child re-wear them, why would it be gross to use some you have washed from someone else? The wash gets them the same amount of clean no matter what was on them to begin with. Just check for wear and tear - that’s the biggest issue with used ones
+40 votes
by (2.2k points)
If this is your first I would recommend getting a few of each style. My favorite for the first few months are prefolds and fitteds and covers, then we move to pockets. Getting a few of each style will help you figure out what you like best and why! Also, we have cloth diapered 3 and have bought used (and sold) many times. You can strip them which is a deep clean and it’s fine.  
+28 votes
by (900 points)
I used fluffloveuniversity. com’s instructions for stripping all the bumgenius diapers I bought off eBay and continue to bleach monthly according to their instructions and haven’t had any issues.  
+31 votes
by (1.3k points)
I used Grovia cloth diapers that were worn by another baby. I trusted the source and did my due diligence with sanitizing them before use. It saved us hundreds of dollars! Not gross at all, but I totally get where you’re coming from!  
by (1.3k points)
I loved the Grovia system because they have shells with snap in inserts. Super easy to use and clean. You can also get a roll of liners that makes it easier to dispose of .  
+19 votes
by (1.6k points)
We cloth diapered and used Lalabye Baby. We bought new and used. We would wash them with a little bit of Clorox, but make sure you follow the manufacture wash recommendations.  
+36 votes
by (4k points)
1000% buy them used! I loveeeed smart bottoms!  
+43 votes
by (1.2k points)
I have used a mix of both used and new. No complaints. Like others have said, just strip them before use and you’ll be fine. All-in-ones and prefitted with covers have been our favorites. We also have Smart Bottoms AI2 cover and inserts, which work well and inserts can be snapped together for extra absorption, which is great for a heavy wetter. I suggest trying different types and brands, if you’re able, since every baby is different in fit. We thought we would want to do pockets, but they didn’t work well for our daughter and leaked, but I know a lot of people prefer them.  
+26 votes
by (2.3k points)
Flats and covers or all-in-one because stuffing pockets gets old. Used are fine, just clean them first with HOT water and a real detergent, like tide.  
+13 votes
by (3.6k points)
I did flats and covers. The pic is my baby in a flat and boingo to hold it shut so no pin. I don’t have a diaper cover on him which you would need to make it water proof but I’ll show a pic of that in a comment under here. It looks more bulky but you can easily fit them under clothes without looking funky. You can do flats and covers super cheap. I loved the bumgenius pocket diapers for my husband since she hated the flats but I feel like flats and covers are more customize able and get cleaner easier. I grabbed a couple thirsties snap covers and some some wolybug covers and some flats from green mountain which are more expensive than some other brands but they held more and I never had leaks with those. Plus they held up better. I personally didn’t buy used since you never know if people are honest about what they are selling and my friend got a bunch of diapers that were delaminating and she couldn’t use them. I cloth diapered 3 kids full time and two had cloth version of pull ups for bed. We have 6 kiddos close in age and it was crazy how much disposables were costing even for the cheap kind which I didn’t want to be using. I’ve tried almost all the brands and always went back to flats, a two pack of Snappis and covers. They were the best for sure. Now that being said- you should know that cloth diapers need changed so much more often than disposable diapers which is why most hate them. They try and let the cloth diapers go as long as they would a disposable and if that’s the case you are going to have a leak every time unless you have a huge diaper on which won’t fit untied clothes without sizing up. I would just change often and avoid that and the leaking lol. For me, I liked the trimmer fit of a flat diaper and they have all sorts of folds so you can customize where the most absorbency is depending on if you have a heavy wetter, girl or boy. Then I would do a disposable diaper at night once my baby is sleeping through the night so you don’t need to try and figure out a night time solution that works without leaking lol. If you have any questions I would love to help. If you decide to buy used- I have a ton I am destashing now that my last baby is bigger and we don’t need most of what I have and I would give you a good deal. You do need to consider if you want to do cloth wipes, and all the things you need like wet bags when you consider prices and the washing and drying of them but after disposable diapering 2 of my kids and using cloth on the rest I can for sure say they save money- as long as you don’t get addicted to wanting new prints all the time like some people.  
by (3.6k points)
I could t find a pic of one of my trimmer covers but this one still fit in his newborn clothes without needing to size up because of a huge fluffy bum. Some people don’t mind sizing up but I liked to keep them trim and under their right size clothes.  
+29 votes
by (1.2k points)
My mom after using the cloth dipers on me and my sister she bleached them then used them as cleaning rags and glasses cleaner rags
by (1.3k points)
@salisbury1 cloth diapers are very different and more sophisticated than cloth diapers used 25+ years ago. You can still buy prefolds/flats but it’s not the pins and plastic pants anymore. However, my grandma gave me some of her cloth diapers when she heard I was going to cloth. That was pretty neat, to use the same diapers on my kids that were used on my dad. Lol
+27 votes
by (1.3k points)
I sanitized our preloved cloth diapers, but I also bought some new. LOVE rumparooz! Their quality and fit can’t be beat, in my opinion. They have Facebook groups, too, and are super helpful in helping you get a good wash routine, a proper fit on the baby, and really anything you have questions about cloth. I love their double gussets in the legs. Never a blowout in those! I also liked bumgenius well. Their quality wasn’t as stellar, but they were more user friendly in getting a good fit on the baby without reaching out for help. I also really liked Best Bottom diapers. They are like a cover, but have inserts like a pocket diaper, that just snap into the cover. I preferred pockets most to all in ones or covers, but that is all personal preference. Covers are more cost effective, though. A retailer I loved, that carries several brands, is Nicki’s diapers. Kangacare is another cloth diaper retailer, and mother to Rumparooz. ❤️
by (1.3k points)
Best Bottoms
by (1.3k points)
Best Bottoms
by (1.3k points)
Nicki’s Diapers brand
+42 votes
by (9.8k points)
They are washed. I used to think it might be gross but I buy from the thrift shop and wash the clothes. Cloth Diapers come completely clean and don’t have any chemicals like disposables. I really love them. Even if you buy new it saves. So you still win.  
+2 votes
by (6.6k points)
I LOVE the Thirsties Brand. They're made in the USA. I LOVE pockets, too, but the prefolds and covers were my go to. Buying used is GREAT. Generally, those who CD take REALLY good care of their diapers so you typically won't run into issues. I would always strip and wash and then use. I miss cloth diapering. We had to stop when we moved across the country and moved into an apt that didn't have a washer in the unit :/ It's been 2 years since my babe has been out of diapers but it still makes me sad BUT. in fair warning, proceed with caution. While they may save you money in the long run, it can become addictive and then you're not saving ANY. you will probably end up with a Diapers sinking fund
by (1.3k points)
@mindymine this is the truth! I had no idea the rabbit hole it could become! Lol Who knew there would be LIMITED diaper prints? Experienced my first bout of FOMO because of that.  
+45 votes
by (6.6k points)
Also, check out Cloth Diaper Swap on FB. Can't vouch for it now, but several years ago when I was in it, it was a great group for BST
+44 votes
by (610 points)
If you go to a hotel- do you buy new sheets and towels to take with you? I think it’s pretty similar to that.  
+21 votes
by (1.1k points)
They are washed and clean. I’d definitely buy them used. As for favourite brands- Grovia and only grovia  
+32 votes
by (7.5k points)
No way. that’s like buying someone’s used washed underwear. Lol.  
+7 votes
by (1.7k points)
Buy used it's a waste to buy new. Just wash them well
+9 votes
by (1.2k points)
Alva baby and bum genius are my favorites. I got mine used and a few new.  
+33 votes
by (2.5k points)
If you buy the ones that are separate pieces (cover and prefold) you can buy new prefold and used covers! I personally bought new covers because I'm saving them for all kids, but they were just an amazon brand and only 7 or 8 per and you can use the cover more than 1 time!  
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