+12 votes
by (790 points)
I have a 6 month old. Any suggestions on how to keep him occupied outside, when the weather is nice, so that I can get some yard work done?!  
I have a 6 month old.

11 Answers

+6 votes
by (1.5k points)
Best answer
Wear baby. They love seeing what you’re doing.  
+3 votes
by (1.2k points)
Hi this worked well for me . You can prob find a gently used one.  
by (790 points)
@trout2666 thank you for the suggestion!  
+3 votes
by (11.6k points)
Bring out the bouncer or put in stroller with toys
+2 votes
by (8.9k points)
Lay a blanket down on the grass and put him and some of his favorite out on it
0 votes
by (190 points)
Pack n play
by (790 points)
Thank you, Ashley! :) I told Josh, and he said, you want me to drag that thing upstairs, around the corners, and out the door? Haha.  
+3 votes
by (9.1k points)
Ergo baby carrier.  
+2 votes
by (2.3k points)
We put our 11mo in the pack’n play with toys outside.  
+7 votes
by (4.5k points)
I used to use a big amazon box and put a blanket and some toys in there. lol. My kids loved it.  
+12 votes
by (790 points)
Thank you, everyone! Great suggestions. :)
+12 votes
by (10.8k points)
There's a really cute and inexpensive nylon folding chair that is meant for outdoors for babies/children
by (790 points)
@milch46765 great, thank you! I'll check that out.  
by (10.8k points)
@herod check bed/bath or bbbaby!  
+8 votes
by (15.9k points)
We really like the water squish mats - I got a big 10ft one she could crawl all over at the time, but they sell smaller round ones and some have stuff floating around inside (or just add glitter before plugging in the hose)
by (790 points)
@tensimeter75 that sounds great, thank you! Do you happen to have a link?  
by (15.9k points)
@herod I got this one which I can't seem to find available anymore, but if you just search water mat, or water blobz you should find a ton of shapes and sizes.  
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