+28 votes
by (5.1k points)
What is a good starter pet for a 3 yo? Something low maintenance but will also teach some beginning responsibilities. I'm thinking maybe a turtle or fish. Nothing that requires daily cleaning. Thanks. (We already have a cat)
What is a good starter pet for a 3 yo?

18 Answers

+10 votes
by (3.4k points)
Best answer
Hermit Crabs: Three is very young. Remember, no matter where the animal is on the food chain, they are still living, breathing beings.  
by (6.5k points)
@galway was totally going to say hermit crabs
by (530 points)
+22 votes
by (1.4k points)
Fish. Turtles are more of a long term pet.  
by (5.1k points)
@ulcer that's ok. Lol
by (5.1k points)
@ulcer I'm ok with that.  
by (6.5k points)
@newcomen I had turtles need to for sure take care of otherwise they stink
+13 votes
by (2.3k points)
Hammer Head Shark  
+19 votes
by (560 points)
A fish we started with a fish
+14 votes
by (6.9k points)
Fish are not low maintenance. The water needs to be changed weekly.  
by (2.9k points)
@gocart I haven’t changed my water in six months and it’s super clean. Maybe non filtered water you have to do this much?  
by (6.9k points)
I don't know I kept exotic fish for many years with very good filters and still had to change my water every week
+17 votes
by (1.4k points)
Whats wrong with the cat?  
+20 votes
by (960 points)
I got a bird from Petco for my 11 and 3 year olds. They love him, and he's gotten so used to being handled.  
+21 votes
by (1.8k points)
Just a few things I’ve learned as you explore: Turtles - like red eared sliders - can get pretty hard to keep clean because they need water to swim (gets kind of stinky. ) Tortoises are better in that way - like Russian tortoises - but it can be hard to maintain the right temperature environment for them and most live 50+ years. Rabbits can be litter box trained but need a lot of exercise and tend to chew things. I’ve found Guinee pigs, gold fish, and hamsters/gerbils to be better starter pets, personally.  
by (2.9k points)
@prefab85 there’s a salmonella possibility with tortoises so I wouldn’t think that three would be a good age for one?  
by (1.8k points)
@psychology yes, actually meant to list that, too - thank you! All reptiles and amphibians carry that risk.  
by (2.9k points)
@prefab85 oh good it’s not a rumor! Wasn’t sure. Trying not to google everything  
by (1.8k points)
@psychology lol I get that! I never intended to know so much about different pets but my one son is obsessed with tortoises and we got him one when he was 8. I’m so used to washing my hands when we handle him I forgot. We “fell into” owning a rabbit and a parrot, too. Had a guinea pig and hamsters as a kid. Lots to learn about all of them. Our dog is the easiest of any of them.  
by (2.9k points)
@prefab85 I’m with you. My dog is super low maintenance compared to the rest!  yearly vet check/teeth cleaning, and occasional grooming and a lot of love and you’re good to go!  
by (4.2k points)
@prefab85 Guinea Pigs are absolutely not starter pets. I have 11 and they are not appropriate for a three year old.  
0 votes
by (3.1k points)
Mountain lion.  
+7 votes
by (2k points)
Fish tank
+7 votes
by (2.5k points)
Turtles are a great pet
+1 vote
by (2.2k points)
Turtles are terrible and messy n hard to take care of U can have mine he was size of cookie when my son got him. 8yrs and he's size of a large grapefruit or canralope
+16 votes
by (1.6k points)
Unfortunately all animals take work. So i would pick something you as the parent are willing to take care of bc trust me i know we are the ones ultimately that end up carrying for them. Fish are pretty easy but even a goldfish requires water changes and tank maintainence. We've had ours 3 years and just had to buy a bigger tank. Guinea pigs require a good amount of handling to get them used to people and may still get scared. I have 2 and you have to watch bc for example my one bit the other and It's requiring antibiotics that aren't cheap. And they are social so they are better if you have more than one. Good luck
+22 votes
by (2.1k points)
A gecko. No maintenance, fun to hold, very pretty. My daughter has two and my grandkids love them.  
by (5.2k points)
Check our created gecko. Easiest pet EVER!  
0 votes
by (5.3k points)
Guinea pig! My daughter got hers at 4. She gets them water every day and their pellets and hay. Mommy makes their salads. Sometimes after I cut everything she assembled all of it in their bowl. When I clean their cage she puts in the new bedding. It’s taught her a lot. She loves holding them and they have never bit her. Just make sure you get 2. They are social animals and need a friend and a decent amount of room.  
+8 votes
by (2.1k points)
Beta fish. you only need one and they don’t require a tank with a filter, like most do. We have them at my preschool and the kids love them!  
+3 votes
by (4.2k points)
Guinea pigs and rabbits are in no way a starter animal especially for a three year old. I have 11 pigs and a rabbit. Definitely not starter and plenty of work. Get a fish.  
+21 votes
by (1.6k points)
Absolutely no rabbit as a starter pet. They require the same amount of attention and care as a cat/dog. Fish are what we had as kids!  
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