+13 votes
by (510 points)
Hello.  My neighbor has zillion cats and these cats have messed up my yard with their litter.Hello. My neighbor has zillion cats and these cats have messed up my yard with their litter. I'm allergies to dogs. Is there a way to keep cats away from backyard? They have already spoiled my flowerbed. My kitchen face backyard and I can't even keep window open because of bad smell. During this lockdown, we can't even go to our backyard to spend some time. Appreciate your solutions on this.  
Hello.  My neighbor has zillion cats and these cats have messed up my yard with their litter.

11 Answers

+3 votes
by (10k points)
Best answer
Call the city if it is creating a health hazard.  
by (1k points)
@fallingout no towns around here deal with ferals
+9 votes
by (4.8k points)
Are they your neighbor’s cats, or are they feral?  
by (510 points)
@whiny neighbor's
by (4.8k points)
@larkin how many is a “zillion”? She may be a feral cat colony caretaker. I’m not saying it’s any less frustrating, just some insight. Have you tried talking to this neighbor?  
+1 vote
by (640 points)
If there really are a bunch of them I would call animal control.  
+10 votes
by (2k points)
Get a dog! Lol.  
by (2k points)
Sorry you're going through this. All jokes aside, I'd call animal control.  
by (510 points)
@increase they are my neighbor's pet. Just curious How can animal control help in it?  
by (2k points)
@larkin They will investigate. There is a limit to how many animals you can have, also if they are living in poor conditions etc. They will remove the animals if deemed unsanitary or unsafe.  
by (510 points)
@increase Thanks for sharing the info
0 votes
by (11.6k points)
Let me start by saying, I am really sorry and I am in the same boat. Also, before this rant please know I LOVE CATS! Love them. However, my neighbor thinks she is a wildlife rehabilitator despite not being trained or certified. Thus, all she does is feed wildlife - skunks, racoons, feral cats, etc. The cats use my lawn as a catbox. Sadly, I have no solutions to offer you since we are in year two of this nonsence and she promised to stop feeding them last summer, but they are back. In fact, one of the feral cats just abandoned kittens on my porch (one dead and one that cost me a lot of money and then died which was really sad). This is all I can suggest - call the township and depending on where you are they may help. You are mostly on your own if you are in unincorporated Des Plaines because then you will have to use the Cook County Animal Control who will do the following (and no more) - drop off/pick up traps Tuesday - Thursday. You have to call the morning of and ask them to deliver traps - I was never able to actually get them to drop off the traps because they were always all out of traps by 9:00AM when I called. You must be home to get the traps too, they will not just drop them off. Also, you need to bait them with food and you have to call them to pick up the animal. They will, again, only come Tuesday - Thursday 9:00AM-4:30PM. Good luck getting animals being fed nextdoor into traps in your yard - you will likely have to work with the neighbor for that. There is a local TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) group, but they never responded to my emails - you may be luckier (link below). Finally, I only found one local exterminator willing to help with TNR (they will rehome the cats to an existing cat colony), but it is crazy expensive. Thus, here are my solutions - last year, I actually used an enzyme spray to get rid of the smell. This took me forever because there were pounds of poop every week. This year I am trying diotomaceous earth. I am going to put it on the cat poop to kill any parasites the cats carry. I am also going to use sprinklers and hose any cats in our yard. I am not super hopeful. We are also getting a dog, but that was in the works before this cat issue. You can also try fox urine (at Meynards - I've been told is smells bad), cat repellent spray, or use orange peels. I had no luck with the cat repellent or orange oil, sadly. Fox urine is supposed to be pretty smelly. Sorry I can't be more helpful.  
by (1k points)
@mitziemitzl that is super helpful! Just cause everything doesn’t work in every situation doesn’t mean not helpful. All your suggestions are good. TNR is always a good place to start, with OR with out Neighbour consent. Getting other neighbors on board for support and financial help is always good. Weather u like cats or not. If the breeding cycle is stoped then they eventually die off. (Side note having a few cats is helpful. Keeps away mice and rats. A colony I fixed a few years ago, when I talked to the complaining neighbors they realized that when they all started noticing cats is when they all stopped having mice in their homes. Suddenly they were all on board to help! )
by (11.6k points)
@polyphone64 This is my dream, but she has to stop feeding them before I can even begin to trap them. They literally wait outside her door for food. What's really sad is this colony is heavily inbread and quite sick. I have told her that as well since the cats clearly have parasites. The kitten I rescued (that sadly died) was really sick, so I am guessing the mom is too. There is one male that seems to be impregnating his kids, mostly. They are gorgeous cats. The kitten I tried to save was a beautiful calico. What is so sad is that the neighbor just wants to feel good about feeding them, but not actually helping them. The improvement is that she no longer leaves food out. I am hopeful that this will at least stop the skunks mating in my backyard issue. Do you work for a rescue?  
by (1k points)
@mitziemitzl feral feline project! U shared their. Contact info  
by (1k points)
A fake dog and the angry looking owl things! (Id never thought of this one before)
by (1k points)
If it’s that bad u could make a complaint to the city. Officially AC won’t do anything (cats are to much of a HOT BUTTON issue and they have bigger things to worry about. People are VERY passionate about feral cats good or bad and it can become a huge issue. If they do start trapping them they will be euthanized, it’s just not the solution because any left behind will just make more kittens and she will just keep feeding which Will encourage new ones to come) but it is illegal to be feeding them if they are not a controlled colony. (Meaning TNR’d) there is a proper time and place for feeding to prevent feeding the other wild life. She should have a couple of shelters and if there are that many she should have litter boxes out to help keep them out of your gardens.  
+6 votes
by (5.3k points)
Maybe talk to your neighbor about the situation? I hope a bunch of cats don’t get taken away, or put down.  
+7 votes
by (1.9k points)
Motion detection sprinklers & motion detection lights for night time.  
+7 votes
by (2.9k points)
I can gladly give your neighbor YOUR piece of mind. But I'm afraid you may have to move after that  Jokes aside - this is unacceptable. And unfortunately I do not have any advice other than googling - smells that cats hate.  
+9 votes
by (3.3k points)
Just offering solidarity except ours are the neighborhood feral cats and we do have a dog. Perhaps go clean up the poop and then put some fencing around the flower bed?  
+3 votes
by (2.7k points)
We have a few around as well, we read that using peppermint essential oil will keep them away. Just spray it around everywhere. I'd also call animal control. Good luck!  
+3 votes
by (1k points)
Animal control won’t deal with Ferals. Have u noticed if any of the left ears are missing tips?  
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