+2 votes
by (390 points)
Hello!  How do I include a specific product in my product feed that I have previously excluded, to be part of my Google shopping campaign?Hello! How do I include a specific product in my product feed that I have previously excluded, to be part of my Google shopping campaign?  
Hello!  How do I include a specific product in my product feed that I have previously excluded, to b

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (13k points)
Best answer
Question is not clear but from my understand, you need to enable it again from products group(make disable to enable)
by (390 points)
Sorry if I was unclear, when looking at products group I can't see my excluded products, the only option I have is to include "everything else in all products", but I fear doing that because I don't want ALL of the rest of my products to be included.  
by (13k points)
@putup click all products, from scholl down bar choose product id, add ıt to left column and save. when you come mainpage of product groups exclude all products so your campaign will work for products which you choose
by (390 points)
@estreat thanku so much, it worked!  
by (13k points)
@putup i am happy for you, you are welcome
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