+7 votes
by (7.5k points)
What are your theories why the ecom sales has dropped due to covid? And what about you personally, do you shop more/less online right now? Also have your "window shopping" online increased these days? Speaking for myself, I shop more than ever. Simply because: 1. Everything is closed so if you want/need something you will find it online. 2. I have nothing better to do ‍♀️
What are your theories why the ecom sales has dropped due to covid?

5 Answers

+5 votes
by (2.3k points)
Best answer
I can give you a perspective of the Indian market but it won't be useful as the lockdown implemented here doesn't allow us to buy anything other than basic necessity items.  
by (7.5k points)
@plurality39566 but u could still buy anything online?  
by (2.3k points)
@tussle4 nooooooooooooope. We can't. Last time I checked they weren't even letting me buy
by (7.5k points)
by (2.3k points)
Exactly bro! Exactly! But they are letting me purchase now. I just checked
+5 votes
by (3.3k points)
People are worried we are about to go into a recessions worse than the great depression. They are holding off purchasing unnecessary items until they have more certantity. Not sure what country your in but here in NZ we have been in country wide lockdown for two weeks and you cant buy things like flour anywhere.  
by (7.5k points)
@sparker ok makes sense. Im in portugal, the food shops and some other stores that are considered "nessecary enough" are open.  
by (160 points)
Yeah, this. I’m in Australia, and I’m certainly not spending if I can help it. though while there’s not huge quantities around, I can buy flour. Haven’t seen toilet paper for a month though - good thing I buy mine from Costco, so I had a stash lol
by (3.3k points)
@tussle4 food shops here are open but once we knew lockdown was coming there was alot of panic buying of essentials.  
by (7.5k points)
Were not out of toilet paper here. Why? In portugal people uses bidé's  
+3 votes
by (240 points)
Im in the UK people are still buying gifts and home decor online
+3 votes
by (2.3k points)
Depend on your niche some of my projects are paused and some are doing really well. Audience behaviors have changed as well I am seeing trends of a faster funnel if someone is ready to buy or drop out early on, indicating that they might want to save coz honestly no one knows how long this situation is gonna carry on. Of course, other factors play in as well such as priority and access
+1 vote
by (170 points)
Also. I found this site the other day that do intresting data visualisations. check their IG for lots of ecommerce/industry data -  
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