+6 votes
by (610 points)
What cost per lead are y’all experiencing with painting contractors right now?  
What cost per lead are y’all experiencing with painting contractors right now?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (510 points)
Best answer
Heard leads services dropped 75%
by (10.3k points)
@puma7472 not emergency services.  
by (610 points)
@puma7472 are we talking for painting contractors or just overall?  
by (610 points)
@kehoe48 what kind of emergency services?  
by (10.3k points)
@sizar roofing, plumbing, tree service, electrical.  
by (510 points)
@sizar painting but I suspect most
by (9.1k points)
Emergency services have an increase and I suspect it's because during the pandemic people use their home appliances way more than what they used to.  
by (610 points)
@overlie3737 probably, never good to have a backedup toilet  haha
0 votes
by (9.1k points)
After 4 very challenging weeks I now have a 60% increase in leads comparing the same week vs last year (which is a huge win since last year we didn't have a pandemic). I believe that the people right now feel more secure than the initial lockdown. I have a CPL of 3. 43€
by (610 points)
@overlie3737 that’s amazing man, both the increase and CPL  
by (610 points)
@overlie3737 is this for painters?  
by (9.1k points)
Yeap. Painting services
by (9.1k points)
Though it's not black magic or anything just two things: 1) Keep the search terms perfect 2) CUT THE F@#! #! COSTS DOWN (and let the increasing demand determine if you should increase your spending or not)
by (110 points)
@overlie3737 What is your keyword strategy to keep things perfect? I don't have a related account, but always want to see how people handle their accounts. Thanks!  
by (9.1k points)
@dugaid4 1) I don't use broad keywords (only broad match) 2) Search terms report is my favorite place in the Google Ads UI. I go there daily and check if all my search terms are the best they can be. 3) I use only automated biddings (tCPA and tROAS) 4) Since the bidding is automated in order to increase my QS I do SKAGs with dedicated LPs for each Ad Group to increase Landing Page Experience 5) My ads setup in each Ad group is minimal (2 ETAs, 1 RSA) and to boost my Ad Relevance I always put the keyword in the Headline 1 6) Extensive Negative Keywords Lists (I have reached keyword list capacity as I have 20 negative keywords list with 5000 negatives in each)
+2 votes
by (13.2k points)
Uh between $1. 00 and $65
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