+9 votes
by (250 points)
Help.  Making turnips for the 1st time.Help. Making turnips for the 1st time. What to season with? I. Baking 400 for 30 mins
Help.  Making turnips for the 1st time.

6 Answers

+4 votes
by (1.2k points)
I fry them in olive oil and just use salt and pepper Sometimes I scramble an egg and mix it in
+7 votes
by (370 points)
I add salt when done. I do cook them overdone. They get sweeter for me
+8 votes
by (2.1k points)
Salt/pepper, onion and garlic powder, paprika.  
+7 votes
by (1.1k points)
Onion and garlic powder make sure you microwave them 3 mins dry well helps to crisp them I also shake in 1 teaspoon of olive oil
by (2.1k points)
@mon3 This is exactly how I cook mine too  
by (1.1k points)
@flatulent. Have you tried flavor god seasonings they are great so many flavors I have tried all of them the ranch and nacho are game changers for so many recepies
by (2.1k points)
Karen, No, I'll have to look for them! Sounds good! ❤
+3 votes
by (850 points)
Garlic salt. and air fry if possible
by (850 points)
@averil516 start with 325 degrees 10 min. shake after 5. may take up to 20
by (850 points)
And pm me anytime
0 votes
by (2.7k points)
If you put some splenda in there, it helps with the odd after taste.  
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