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by (700 points)
So, I just got the call from IP. My first appointment canceled. They cannot sell more than 2 weeks worth of food and no in person coaching. I could still start but then what would I do in two weeks if they dont reopen!? I am going to have to try to do this the IPA route from start to finish! I will definitely be asking a lot of questions. I feel discouraged but the upside is the cost savings! I was planning to buy their Dorados chips, pancakes, omelettes, oatmeal, shakes and bars. I read that the Kirkland brand bars and premier protein shakes are equivalent. I just need to find equivalents/suggestions for the chips, oatmeal, omelettes and pancakes! Help! ( I will look again in the files as well).  
So, I just got the call from IP.

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