+4 votes
by (190 points)
Is there any pain docs that you all really like? I need to see one for my knee. Thanks ;-)
Is there any pain docs that you all really like?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (3.1k points)
Best answer
DMG pain clinic, Dr. Manganelli. I see him myself, have for over 10 years.  
+2 votes
by (420 points)
Dr. Pinnello, Castle Orthopaedics, or Dr. Gashkoff, DMG
+2 votes
by (1.4k points)
Dr. Buck at Loyola. My mom travels over two hours to see him. She has had a reduction in her back pain of 80-90% and is mowing her own lawn again. She is 80!  
by (8.2k points)
@ladner That's wonderful! Do you know what he did for her? Did she have physical therapist? Chiropractor adjustments? Special meds? CBD? I'm on diclofenac for knee pain, but can't take it every day bc it's hard on the stomach.  
by (1.4k points)
@shaffer1155 all conservative treatment had failed for her, and she had several procedures. She was seen by Dr. Alexander Ghanayem, director of spine surgery at Loyola, who referred her to Dr. Buck for pain management since she was not a surgical candidate. They opted for spinal cord stimulator implantation which has been a lifesaver. I know that option isn’t for knees, but he is knows what he is doing and his staff is wonderful. She had seen probably 3 different doctors before him who were unable to help her. She has had it for about 3 years and is doing great.  
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